• Question: How many science trips did you go on

    Asked by anon-219969 to Nicolas, Emma, Declan, Bella on 20 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Declan Jonckers

      Declan Jonckers answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      I think all of the science trips I’ve been on have been to the Science museum in london. It’s pretty cool, there’s parts of a rocket in there! Apart from that, I didn’t go on any school science trips. Have you been on any?

    • Photo: Nicolas Bonne

      Nicolas Bonne answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      Right now I get to travel a lot for my job. Almost every month I go to somewhere else in the UK or overseas. I’m getting pretty tired though.

      At school and University, we got to go on trips a few times a year.

    • Photo: Bella Boulderstone

      Bella Boulderstone answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      I’ve been on a bunch of trips to conferences as part of my PhD, I’ve got to Chile twice, Copenhagen, Italy and hopefully this year China.
