• Question: can 2 black holes collide and destroy the universe

    Asked by anon-219098 to Nicolas, Emma, Declan, Bella on 20 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Bella Boulderstone

      Bella Boulderstone answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      We know that black holes have collided before and they haven’t destroyed the universe! We actually think that the supermassive ones form through collisions of smaller black holes until they are the size that they are. So instead of destroying it, supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies have actually helped form the way the universe is seen today!

    • Photo: Nicolas Bonne

      Nicolas Bonne answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      @Bella probably knows more about this than me, but the collision would produce lots of energy and things called gravitational waves, and would normally result in a single, bigger black hole.
