• Question: what are some of the other galaxies called?

    Asked by anon-219094 to Nicolas, Emma, Bella on 20 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Nicolas Bonne

      Nicolas Bonne answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      Only the galaxies that are really big and nearby to us have interesting names. There are galaxies like the Whirlpool Galaxy, the Pinwheel galaxy, Andromeda (which is the closest big galaxy to us) and the Mice (which are two galaxies passing very close to one another with big streams of gas and stars trailing behind). Most other galaxies have a name which is a combination of numbers and letters. The letters usually tell us which catalogue, or collection has information on that object. The numbers usually tell us either where the galaxy is in the sky, or what order it was discovered in. Because some galaxies are in lots of catalogues, some have quite a few different names

    • Photo: Bella Boulderstone

      Bella Boulderstone answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      Nicolas has answered this pretty well, but the ones that I study are snappily named ESO323-G77, NGC3783, H0557-385, IC4329A and a few others. They’re not really that excitingly named!
